Cute Text Message Advice

1. Beware of becoming boring and monotonous. The combination of predictability and boredom is the most dangerous type of crime committed by text-fencing. Your messages should be fun and engaging. Don't send messages that seem boring or so simple as "Hey! :")" or "How's your day going?" Total snore fest. It is likely that she receives these types of messages from everyone she meets, so try something to make yourself stand out. You can give her something greater than this, something that will give you an incentive to answer with something like "you have sloppy football the other night." I'm calling for a replay."

2. Make it personal. Text messages often seem a little unfriendly. This can help to establish a connection between you. Use her name in a message -girls get a real excitement when they see their name in a message, there's something much more personal about it. You can also utilize the name you've christened her with to make it appear like the two of you are sharing an inside joke. Use the words "us" and "we" in your messages. This gives a "me and me against the World" vibe that girls love.

3. Be sure that you compliment her. For example, "Wow, I love your hair this morning, it's gorgeous!" It's a simple thing to do. Girls like to feel appreciated and valued. It's possible to incorporate compliments into your messages if it's possible. Make use of a classic and powerful phrase like "I can't help but think about you wearing that black and blue dress" or something more unique like "you have a strange sense of humor but I like it." Don't just say something to make her smile. Girls can smell a fake from miles. Check out this full romantic massage for more.

4. Be secretive. Be mysterious. For instance, if she asks you how your day was and you don't respond by sending a long text describing every dull aspect (see the first step). Try something like "It's quite bizarre, actually." It's amazing that people are so interesting. It's likely that she'll be interested and ask for additional details in the next email. It's also possible to tell her what your plans for the weekend include if she inquires. Saying that you're going to be spending the weekend working to finish an assignment that must be done by Monday won't appeal to her. Inform her that you're planning to slay a dragon or something equally outlandish -it doesn't have to be true insofar as it's entertaining.

5.Tease her gently. Teasing is a wonderful flirting method -it helps create a certain level of intimacy without being too serious. As we've mentioned that calling your girl an adorable nickname (one which is only used by you) is a great way to poke fun at her without becoming offensive. You can make use of phrases such as "freckles", or "little miss perfection" to mock your daughter. You can inquire about something she's made or did in the past time you've been together. For instance, if she tells you she's grabbing coke, you can tell her something like "just don't pour it down your nostrils like you did last time) ". This is a great illustration of callback humor. It draws focus to the fun you spent together and urges her to think positively about your relationships. Be respectful and not mean-spirited, otherwise the texting relationship you have with her is likely to end in a hurry.

6 Be suggestive. There is no way to maintain a text-female relationship without some flirty, flirty tips to keep it exciting. You can either inquire about her dress or say something like "I liked what you wore in that dress, however I think what you would wear underneath is better." Another strategy is to misinterpret a innocent comment she makes into sexual. If she says something such as, "I can't believe how it took!" If she is saying something like "I cannot believe how long it took me to get there!" you could simply reply, "That's what I said!" If you're worried about going down the sexting path You could try casually mentioning that you just got out of the shower. The ball is in her court, if she responds with a sexually attractive manner (like "dang I'd like to know this") you'll know she's willing to try it. Take a look at this love you forever message for recommendations.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages brief and sweet. Text messages that are long can appear to be too fast-paced and not really interesting. It is best to keep your messages short - not more than two or even three paragraphs. Each message should be funny, clever, or sweet.

2. Send the same number messages. Always send the same number of messages to everyone within your relationships via text. Sending too many texts will make you seem over-eager and a little too available. It can make you appear overly assertive, which may make her scared or even lose interest. If you send too many texts, she might consider you to be uninterested. This could lead to her abandoning you as a loser. You need to balance your messages by sending around equal numbers of text messages. If possible try to tilt the balance to her advantage. Be aware of the person initiating and ending each text message. You may want to switch if possible.

3. Be cautious with spelling and grammar. Your text messages should give the impression that you're clever and intelligent. It can be difficult to do if the person who is "txtin"' lyk dis" is not a real person. Teenagers might be okay with this, but anyone older than 18 should be aware of spelling and grammar.
In order to make yourself appear intelligent it isn't necessary to search the dictionary for large word phrases. Instead, scan each text before sending it. This will ensure that there aren't any obvious typos and misspellings. The meaning of your text can be affected by how punctuation is used. It's possible to discern if your girlfriend sends a picture of her dressed in a brand new dress. sounds a lot more enthusiastic than just "wow" and "I like it ..." is much more flirty and suggestive as opposed to "I like it". Don't go overboard with the exclamation marks, question marks, smiley face, winky faces and other emoticons. They are extremely effective when used when used in the right context however they can be a bit snobby in the event of excessive use. See this i love more than for more.

4. Don't allow the conversation to drag on. It is crucial to be able to end the conversation. Do not let your texting session drag out for too long. You'll soon have nothing to discuss, and your conversation will quickly become dull and uninteresting. Keep the conversation going until you reach this stage. You could make her want to know more. You can end the conversation with something flirty and cute, such as "gotta go, babe. I'll talk to you later on." Don't get too involved without me!" or, "Time for bed - need to get my beauty sleep." We are looking forward to meeting you in the dream world of your dreams!

5. Avoid using text flirting as a substitute of flirting in person. Don't make use of text flirting as a substitute for genuine flirting. While texting is great (and you might make comments that you would never say in the real world), there is nothing quite like flinging with an individual in the flesh. To plan your next night out with friends or to arrange a date, you can utilize text messages. This will give you a purpose for your texting and is something that you can both anticipate. You will find that eye contact, sparkling smiles and a smooth stroke of your arm can be more effective than a large number of words that appear on the screen of a computer.

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